
Elderly Foot Care

Like any other part of the body, the feet are vulnerable to wear and tear throughout our lives. As we age, our feet may require more care and attention. Elderly people are especially prone to developing a variety of foot problems, including dry skin, corns, calluses, blisters, ingrown toenails, deformities, arthritis, fungal infections, and plantar warts. Additionally, systemic conditions such as diabetes or poor circulation can have noticeable effects on foot health. 

The first step to preventing foot health problems at any age is to establish a good daily foot care routine. Washing the feet with soap and warm water daily, then drying them thoroughly is very important. Applying a moisturizer to the soles of the feet can help prevent dry skin. When trimming the toenails, use nail clippers to trim them straight across. This can prevent painful ingrown toenails. Doing daily foot exercises and stretches can help maintain the strength and flexibility of the feet. 

A critical step of the daily foot care routine, especially for those who have systemic conditions like diabetes, is the daily foot inspection. Check your feet each day for any cuts, scrapes, sores, or other abnormalities. By catching and treating any foot problems early, you can prevent infection and other serious complications. A hand mirror can be used to help you see any hard-to-reach areas. 

Another important aspect of caring for your feet is wearing the right shoes and socks. Footwear should be comfortable, supportive, flexible, and made of breathable materials. For some people, orthotic inserts can help make shoes more comfortable. 

If you have any foot problems, or questions about maintaining the health of your feet, please consult with a chiropodist. 

Athlete's Foot

Athlete’s foot, also known as tinea pedis, is a fungal infection of the skin of the feet. The fungus that causes athlete’s foot lives and thrives in warm, moist environments such as public swimming pools, locker rooms, and showers. This fungus can infect the feet through a cut or crack in the skin. Athlete’s foot is also highly contagious, and the fungus can spread from person to person through sharing personal items such as shoes, socks, or towels.

The symptoms of athlete’s foot include itching, stinging, or burning between your toes or on the soles of your feet, itchy foot blisters, and dry, cracked, or peeling skin on the feet. The infection can also spread to your toenails, leading to discoloration, thickening, and crumbling. 

Through a physical examination, athlete’s foot can be diagnosed by your chiropodist based on its symptoms. Sometimes, a skin test may be ordered to confirm the diagnosis. Athlete’s foot can be treated with both oral and topical over-the-counter or prescription medications. You can prevent a fungal infection by maintaining good foot hygiene, wearing shoes when walking in public areas, avoiding sharing personal items with others, and keeping your feet clean and dry. 


Biomechanics of the Feet

Foot biomechanics is an area of foot care that examines the structure, function, and motion of the feet. When these factors are carefully examined, they can provide more information about potential causes of foot and ankle pain and help your chiropodist find the best treatments for the unique needs of your feet. 

The study of biomechanics dates back to ancient times but became more well known in modern history when findings claimed that changing or controlling the forces between the ankle and foot can lead to positive clinical outcomes when treating various foot and ankle conditions. 

The advent of modern technology, such as computer analysis, has continued to expand on these discoveries and helps medical professionals make informed decisions about patient care. Understanding the biomechanics of the feet can help in the diagnosis of various conditions and prescribing targeted treatments that reduce or eliminate pain. For example, a chiropodist can analyze your gait, or walking pattern, and determine if there are any abnormalities that can be treated with custom orthotics or footwear modifications.

High Heels and the Feet

Did you know that people who wear high heels may be more likely to need the care of a chiropodist? This is because high heels are notoriously bad for foot health. While they may be stylish, they can also be dangerous and are often to blame for a variety of foot and ankle problems. 

High heels force your feet into an unnatural, downward extended position. This puts excess pressure and strain on the toes and balls of the feet, increasing the risk of foot pain and toe deformities like hammertoes and bunions, as well as corns, calluses, and blisters. The tendon and ligaments that support the arch of the foot can tighten, causing plantar fasciitis and heel pain. The unnatural foot position also requires you to change your posture and gait in order to balance in these shoes. Your steps tend to become shorter and less efficient, increasing the risk of foot and ankle injuries. Your posture becomes more rigid and strains your muscles, leading to hip and back pain. 

The ankle joint is also damaged by high heel wear. When wearing these shoes, the ankle has a limited range of motion and power, causing the calf muscles to shorten. The Achilles tendon may also contract, becoming inflamed and leading to a condition called Achilles tendonitis. High heels also increase the risk of twisting your ankle and sustaining an ankle sprain. 

If you are dealing with foot and ankle pain related to wearing high heels, a chiropodist can help diagnose the problem and find the right treatment for you.


Spring is the season for running, baseball, tennis, and more. After a long winter of staying inside and perhaps staying sedentary, many people begin to increase their physical activity. Unfortunately, a sudden or rapid increase in physical activity can increase the risk of incurring a foot or ankle injury. Common springtime injuries include plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, strains, sprains, and fractures. 

Fortunately, there are many steps that you can take to avoid injuries. When beginning any new exercise routine, it’s important to take things slow. Do not rapidly increase the intensity or duration of your training. Instead, increase one factor at a time, gradually. For example, if you’re a runner, increase the distance that you run gradually over the course of several weeks or months. Take breaks in between workouts to allow yourself time to heal properly. It’’s equally as important to be wearing the right shoes. Choose shoes that are comfortable, fit well, and offer support. 

If you do get injured or begin to notice subtle signs of injury, such as pain during physical activity, seek the care of a chiropodist. While you wait for your appointment, you can also take measures to reduce pain at home by resting the injured foot, applying ice, and compressing and elevating it. A chiropodist will be able to diagnose the injury and find the right treatment for you.

Flat Feet

A flat foot is a foot that has no visible arch in the middle of the sole of the foot while standing. There are two types of flat feet. A flexible flat foot has a visible arch when the foot is not bearing weight, but the arch disappears when the person stands or puts any weight on the foot. A rigid flat foot has no visible arch regardless of whether or not the foot is bearing any weight. Flat feet can also be present from birth or can develop over time, as the ligaments that hold up the arch of the foot weaken. When flat feet are acquired, they are referred to as fallen arches. 

In many cases, flat feet do not cause any pain or other symptoms. This is especially true for those who were born with flat feet. In the instances where flat feet are not asymptomatic, they may cause pain in the heel, arch, ankle, or along the outside of the foot, as well as shin pain, foot aches or fatigue, and lower back, hip, or knee pain. People who have flat feet are also more likely to have an abnormal gait or walking pattern that may affect their daily activities. 

Flat feet can be diagnosed through a physical examination. An imaging study, such as an X-ray, may be used to determine the severity of the condition. Treatments for flat feet include footwear and activity modifications, wearing orthotics, taking medications to relieve pain, and physical therapy. If you have flat feet that are causing you pain or discomfort, please consult with a chiropodist. 

Falls Prevention

Many older adults think that falls are rare and won’t happen to them, so they don’t need to take steps to reduce the risk of falling. This isn’t true, as falls are very common. Falls are one of the leading causes of serious injuries and disabilities among older adults. Not only does falling affect one’s physical health, but it can also cause psychological harm. An older adult who has fallen may lose confidence in their abilities to get around and live independently. They may feel that the only ways to prevent falling are to avoid physical activities and stay in the house when this can in fact be counterproductive. 

Though staying in the house can be tempting for an adult that is afraid of falling, it’s worthwhile to note that over 50% of all falls occur in the home. A better way to prevent falls is to take steps to make your home safer. Remove tripping hazards, like loose cables, slippery rugs, and low furniture from the home. Install good quality lighting that will allow you to see where you are walking. In the bathrooms, use a non-slip bath mat and install grab bars in the shower to avoid slipping. When you do leave the house, don’t be ashamed to use a mobility aid, such as a cane, if necessary. 

Reducing the risk of falling continues with taking care of one’s physical health. Exercising regularly and incorporating exercises that stretch and strengthen the lower limbs is important for maintaining mobility. Vision care is another key element of falls prevention, as people with vision impairment are more than twice as likely to fall than those who don’t have vision problems. Being able to clearly see where you are going and if there are any tripping hazards in your way will help prevent falls. Managing your medications can help prevent falls. Certain medications cause side effects that impair balance, leading to falls. You should talk to your doctors about the medications that you are currently taking, their side effects, and any ways that they may interact with one another. Finally, regularly seeing a chiropodist can help maintain your foot health and mobility. A chiropodist can not only treat any existing foot problems, which can contribute to falling, but also help you prevent future issues. 

Wound Care

Slow-healing wounds on the feet are a frequent complication of diabetes and always warrant prompt medical attention. Left untreated, these wounds can develop into diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs), greatly increasing your risk of infection, tissue death, and amputation. But how do these wounds form in the first place, and what can be done to prevent them?

Diabetics are often afflicted with two other co-occurring conditions, peripheral neuropathy and poor circulation. Peripheral neuropathy causes nerve damage and often affects the nerves of the lower limbs, leading to tingling, numbness, and a loss of sensation in the feet. A lack of sensation can leave you unable to physically feel pain if you cut, scrape, puncture, or otherwise injure your feet. This can be a serious problem, as pain is typically the first indication that something is wrong. When you don’t feel it happen, an injury on your foot can go undetected and untreated, progressively worsening until it forms a serious wound. These wounds usually heal slowly because of another complication of diabetes, poor circulation. When the blood supply to your feet is not adequate, this area of your body does not get the oxygen and nutrients that it needs to perform its usual processes, including wound healing. Poor circulation results in wounds that heal slowly or don’t heal at all. 

Fortunately, there are measures that you can take to prevent diabetic foot wounds from occurring or worsening. Maintain good foot hygiene by washing and thoroughly drying your feet each day and performing a daily foot check. Using a mirror or with help from a caregiver, examine your feet each day for any abnormalities, such as sores, cuts, scrapes, bruises, blisters, discoloration, swelling, and ingrown toenails. If you notice any foot problems, it is recommended that you see a chiropodist who can treat these issues and offer you more information about managing your foot health. 


Winter can be a time of new or worsening foot and ankle problems. Wintertime foot problems can be caused by a combination of cold weather, a more sedentary lifestyle, an increase in body weight, wearing unsupportive shoes, and weather conditions that can increase the risk of injury.

The cold weather can wreak havoc on your feet. A cold, dry climate can be responsible for dry, cracked heels. More than just an aesthetic problem, these cracks can be deep, painful, and prone to bleeding. To prevent them, it’s suggested that you take extra care to exfoliate and moisturize your feet in the winter and wear shoes and socks that protect your feet from the cold. Cold weather can also cause the tiny blood vessels (capillaries) in your toes to spasm, leading to problems such as chilblains and Raynaud’s disease. 

On the other hand, feet that are too wet from sweat are also a problem. In the winter, many people wear warm, thick socks made from materials that trap moisture. This creates the perfect breeding ground for fungi that can cause athlete’s foot and fungal toenails infections. Wear moisture-wicking socks to avoid this issue. 

A more sedentary lifestyle and weight gain during the winter can put strain on the feet and ankles, increasing the risk of injuries that are caused by excess strain and pressure. Plantar fasciitis, an inflammation of the ligament that runs along the bottom of the foot, and general foot pain are both common. 

Icy weather conditions can increase your risk of twisting an ankle or falling and sustaining an injury. To avoid this, wear thick-soled, non-slip boots and take extra care to look out for ice when walking outside. If you have any foot or ankle problems this winter, it is suggested that you seek the care of a chiropodist. 

Foot Pain

Foot pain is a common symptom of a large variety of injuries and medical conditions. A diagnosis can be narrowed down by describing the locations and type of pain that you are experiencing. 

Pain in the heel is often caused by plantar fasciitis, an inflammation of the ligament that runs along the bottom of the foot and connects the heel to the toes. Plantar fasciitis usually causes stabbing heel pains and the pain is at its worst upon arising in the morning or when taking your first steps after a long period of rest. Heel pain can also be caused by heel spurs, bruises on the fat pad of the heel, or heel fractures.

Pain in the ball of the foot can be caused by Morton’s neuroma, in which the tissue of the nerves between the bases of the toes become thickened, causing tingling and numbness. Other causes of pain in the ball of the foot include metatarsalgia or sesamoiditis. 

Pain in the arch of the foot can be caused by plantar fasciitis or having flat feet or fallen arches. Pain in the toes can be caused by many conditions, including gout, bunions, hammertoes, ingrown toenails, toe sprains or fractures, arthritis, and corns. 

To find out what is causing your foot pain, it is recommended that you consult with a chiropodist, who can diagnose your condition and offer the appropriate treatments. 

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