
Treating Toenail Fungus

A fungal toenail infection, also known as onychomycosis, can be unsightly and uncomfortable. Infected nails often become thickened, brittle, crumbly, and discolored with white, yellow, or brown patches. The affected nails may also lift from the nail bed and emit a foul odor. 

Fungal toenail infections are contagious and are caused by a fungus getting in, on, or under the toenails. Fungi thrive in moist, warm environments like public swimming pools, locker rooms, and showers, and many people contract fungal nail infections from walking barefoot in these environments. The fungus can also spread from person to person. For this reason, it is best to avoid sharing personal items like shoes, socks, and towels with an infected individual. 

Certain factors can make one more likely to contract toenail fungus. People who have diabetes, poor circulation, or weakened immune system, are over the age of 65, wear artificial nails, have a toenail injury or damaged skin around their toenails, wear closed-toe shoes, and expose their feet to moisture for extended periods of time are at an increased risk of onychomycosis. 

Treatment options for toenail fungus include oral medications and topical solutions such as medicated nail polishes and creams. Treatment can take several months to be effective, so it is recommended that you see a chiropodist as soon as you notice the symptoms of toenail fungus. For more information about this condition, please consult with a podiatrist.  

Ankle Pain

The ankle is the region that joins the foot and leg. It consists of three joints that allow the foot to move. Pain in the ankle is typically the result of injury or inflammation from a wide variety of conditions, such as strains, sprains, fractures, or arthritis. Symptoms that often co-occur with ankle pain include swelling, bruising, numbness, tingling, stiffness, joint instability, and difficulty walking. 

The underlying cause of your ankle pain can be diagnosed by a chiropodist. A diagnostic visit to this specialist typically involves providing a medical history, describing your ankle pain, and undergoing a physical examination. In some cases, the chiropodist may order imaging studies, such as an X-ray or ultrasound, to rule out or confirm a diagnosis. 

The right treatment for your ankle pain will depend on the underlying cause of the pain. In many cases, your chiropodist may recommend that you follow the R.I.C.E. acronym: resting, icing, compressing, and elevating the affected ankle. Taking these actions generally decreases swelling and inflammation, reduces pain, and promotes healing. Taking over-the-counter, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may also help with pain management. The chiropodist may also prescribe custom orthotics, immobilize the affected ankle, or recommend activity and footwear modifications. In cases of more severe injuries, surgical treatment may be necessary. 

If you are experiencing ankle pain, it is recommended that you seek the care of a chiropodist. 

Biomechanics of the Feet

Foot biomechanics is an area of foot care that examines the structure, function, and motion of the feet. When these factors are carefully examined, they can provide more information about potential causes of foot and ankle pain and help your chiropodist find the best treatments for the unique needs of your feet. 

The study of biomechanics dates back to ancient times but became more well known in modern history when findings claimed that changing or controlling the forces between the ankle and foot can lead to positive clinical outcomes when treating various foot and ankle conditions. 

The advent of modern technology, such as computer analysis, has continued to expand on these discoveries and helps medical professionals make informed decisions about patient care. Understanding the biomechanics of the feet can help in the diagnosis of various conditions and prescribing targeted treatments that reduce or eliminate pain. For example, a chiropodist can analyze your gait, or walking pattern, and determine if there are any abnormalities that can be treated with custom orthotics or footwear modifications.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks its own otherwise healthy joint lining. This condition can affect any of the 33 joints of the feet, as well as the ankle joints. RA symptoms include joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and warmth. It may become difficult to stand, walk, or exercise due to joint pain. RA can also affect the biomechanics of the feet. When the structure of the foot changes, this can affect one’s gait or walking pattern. Foot deformities, such as bunions and hammertoes, also become more likely. RA’s negative effects on mobility could impact one’s overall quality of life. 

Although there is no cure for RA, your chiropodist can help you manage symptoms and maintain the health of your feet and your mobility. They may recommend conservative treatments such as resting and icing the feet and taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications to manage pain. Orthotic inserts and braces can help reduce pain and give the feet structure and support. In more severe cases, corticosteroid injections can be used to relieve pain as well. 

Surgical treatments for joint pain are another possible option for those with RA, particularly if the conservative treatment methods described above prove ineffective. Joint fusion surgery or joint replacement surgery may help. Deformities like bunions and hammertoes can be surgically corrected as well. 

To learn more about living with RA, please consult with a chiropodist near you. 

Heel Pain

Heel pain can range in severity from mild and annoying to severe and debilitating. Usually caused by an injury, heel pain can become chronic if it's left untreated. There are many different types of injuries that can bring about heel pain. When describing your pain, it is important to note the location and type of pain, as well as when the pain started and what activities make it better or worse. 

Perhaps the most common cause of heel pain is plantar fasciitis, a condition in which the plantar fascia, a ligament that runs along the bottom of the foot, becomes inflamed due to repetitive overuse or trauma. This condition causes stabbing pain in the bottom of the heel. The pain is usually at its worst when you take your first few steps after a period of rest, like when you first get up in the morning. Plantar fasciitis is also sometimes accompanied by bone spurs, calcium deposits on the heel bone that can cause sharp pain that gradually evolves into a dull ache. Other possible causes of heel pain include Achilles tendonitis, heel fractures, bursitis, tarsal tunnel syndrome, and Sever’s disease. 

Although treatment for heel pain depends on the underlying cause, most treatments involve resting, icing, and elevating the affected foot. Your chiropodist will also typically suggest that you wear more comfortable, supportive shoes or orthotics to help your heel heal. Over-the-counter pain medications are usually sufficient to manage heel pain. For more information about heel pain, please consult with a chiropodist.

Choosing the Right Running Shoe

Finding the right shoes to run in can be a headache. With so many options on the market, it can be difficult to determine exactly the right type of running shoes for you. This is where your chiropodist can help. In addition to taking into consideration the type of running you will be doing, it’s also very important to buy running shoes that cater to the individual needs of your feet. 

There are many individual foot differences that can have a bearing on which types of running shoes to buy. Your gait, or walking pattern, may require certain specifications to ensure the safest and efficient running possible. A chiropodist can perform a gait analysis to determine your needs. Generally, people’s gaits can be normal, overpronated, or underpronated. Having an overpronated gait means that the foot rolls too far inwards while you walk or run. This can be mitigated by choosing stability running shoes. Having an underpronated gait means that the foot rolls too far outwards while walking or running. This can be helped by choosing shoes with neutral cushioning. 

In general, it’s suggested that you shop for shoes in person in the late afternoon or evening. Shopping in person will allow you to try on and test out the shoes. You would also be able to get assistance from a store associate, who could measure your feet and provide recommendations. Shopping later in the day is suggested because your feet naturally swell throughout the day and are at their largest in the late afternoon and early evening. Your feet also naturally swell while you run. By fitting your feet when they are at their largest, you can ensure that they will fit properly throughout the day. 

For more information about how to find the best running shoes for you, please consult with a chiropodist.


Hammertoes are a common foot deformity in which one or more of the small toes bends downwards at the middle joint. This puts the toes into a hammer or mallet-like shape, hence the name of the condition. Hammertoes can be very uncomfortable and even painful, causing symptoms such as irritation, inflammation, redness, stiff toe joints, muscle contracture, and corns, calluses, and sores on the tops of the affected toe joints. 

Hammertoes can either be flexible or rigid. Flexible hammertoes are those that can still be moved at the joint. Rigid hammertoes are those that can no longer move due to stiff, tight joints. Flexible hammertoes slowly turn into rigid hammertoes when no steps are taken to treat this condition. 

Seeking treatment for hammertoes is strongly suggested, as they tend to get progressively worse over time. The main goals of treatment in the early stages are to slow or stop the progression and manage symptoms. Your chiropodist will likely recommend changes in your footwear. Wide, roomy shoes that have a large toe box and a low heel can give your toes extra space and prevent them from crowding and becoming further deformed. Orthotic insoles can be worn in the shoes for added support. Corns and calluses on the tops of the toes may need to be padded to protect them from irritation. Over-the-counter medications can be taken to relieve pain. In more severe cases, your chiropodist may suggest corticosteroid injections to reduce pain and inflammation. Surgery is another treatment option for hammertoes but is usually reserved for severe cases where the toe has become rigid and immobile. 

If you notice hammertoes or any other foot deformity, it is strongly suggested that you seek the care of a chiropodist. 

Arthritic Foot Care

Osteoarthritis is a condition in which the cartilage located on the ends of joints deteriorates over time. Cartilage is very important, as it protects and cushions the bones during movement. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis and is associated with aging. It can affect any of the joints in the body, and frequently affects the joints of the feet and the ankles. Though rarer, osteoarthritis can also occur as a consequence of an injury, such as as a sprain or fracture, or as a result of abnormal foot biomechanics. 

Symptoms of osteoarthritis include pain and stiffness in the joints, swelling, and difficulty walking or bending the joints. In some cases, bony protrusions called bone spurs can develop on the affected joints. Osteoarthritis is a progressive condition, meaning that it worsens over time. Diagnosing the condition early allows for earlier treatment, which can help preserve the health and function of your joints. 

A variety of treatment options are available for osteoarthritis. Pain can often be minimized by taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, getting steroid injections into the affected joints, and wearing orthotics. Bracing or immobilizing the affected foot or ankle may help reduce inflammation and prevent deformity of the joint. Doing specific exercises can help strengthen the muscles in the feet and ankles to prevent injuries. In cases where more conservative treatments have failed or in which arthritis has progressed significantly, surgery may be an option. If you have osteoarthritis in your feet or ankles, it is recommended that you consult with a chiropodist. 

Foot Pain

If you’re suffering from foot pain, it’s important to note the locations and quality of your foot pain. Pain can affect any part of the foot, including the top, bottom, side, heel, or toes. The pain may be sharp, stabbing, dull, achy, burning, or stinging, and can come on suddenly or develop gradually over time. 

Pain in the top, bottom, or side of the foot can have many causes. In addition to the type of pain and its location, it’s also important to note when the pain started, what you were doing at the time, and what aggravates the pain. For example, pain in the top of the foot that worsens with physical activity or weight-bearing, that has gradually gotten worse over time, and is accompanied by swelling and tenderness could be indicative of a stress fracture. 

Pain in the heel is a frequent concern, especially among patients who participate in sports, run, or wear high heels. Plantar fasciitis, an inflammation of the ligament that runs along the bottom of the foot and connects the heels to the toes, can cause stabbing heel pain. The pain is usually at its worst upon taking your first few steps in the morning or after a long rest and can radiate to the arch of the foot. Plantar fasciitis is also often associated with heel spurs, bony outgrowths on the heel bones that can be painful if they poke into the surrounding tissues. 

Foot pain can be caused by not only injuries but also problems with the biomechanics of the feet and underlying health problems, like diabetes or peripheral neuropathy. If you’re experiencing foot pain, please seek the care of a chiropodist near you. 

Working on Your Feet

Standing for prolonged periods of time can cause damage to your feet. Unfortunately, this is a necessary part of the job for many working people. Common foot conditions that may occur as a result of being on your feet all day include foot pain, blisters, calluses, corns, arthritis, toe deformities, sprains, bunions, athlete’s foot, and fallen arches. 

There are certain steps that you can take to prevent work-related foot problems. If you are on your feet all day, it is recommended that you avoid shoes that have high heels, pointed toes, a fit that is too loose or too tight, and a lack of arch support. If you work in a place where foot injuries are a common occupational hazard, such as a construction zone, wearing the right shoes becomes increasingly important. Wearing comfortable, properly fitted, supportive shoes made of breathable materials can mitigate the risk of developing a variety of foot problems.

Maintaining an immobile, upright stance for prolonged periods of time is bad for your foot health. If possible, take breaks throughout the day to sit down, stretch, and walk around. At home, take care of your feet with a daily foot care routine. Wash the feet daily with soap and water and dry them thoroughly. Apply a moisturizer to prevent cracked heels. When trimming the toenails, trim straight across to avoid ingrown toenails. Wear clean socks daily. If you notice any problems developing in your feet or ankles, consult with a chiropodist, who can diagnose and treat your condition and help you maintain the health of your feet. 

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