Elderly Foot Care

Like any other part of the body, the feet are vulnerable to wear and tear throughout our lives. As we age, our feet may require more care and attention. Elderly people are especially prone to developing a variety of foot problems, including dry skin, corns, calluses, blisters, ingrown toenails, deformities, arthritis, fungal infections, and plantar warts. Additionally, systemic conditions such as diabetes or poor circulation can have noticeable effects on foot health. 

The first step to preventing foot health problems at any age is to establish a good daily foot care routine. Washing the feet with soap and warm water daily, then drying them thoroughly is very important. Applying a moisturizer to the soles of the feet can help prevent dry skin. When trimming the toenails, use nail clippers to trim them straight across. This can prevent painful ingrown toenails. Doing daily foot exercises and stretches can help maintain the strength and flexibility of the feet. 

A critical step of the daily foot care routine, especially for those who have systemic conditions like diabetes, is the daily foot inspection. Check your feet each day for any cuts, scrapes, sores, or other abnormalities. By catching and treating any foot problems early, you can prevent infection and other serious complications. A hand mirror can be used to help you see any hard-to-reach areas. 

Another important aspect of caring for your feet is wearing the right shoes and socks. Footwear should be comfortable, supportive, flexible, and made of breathable materials. For some people, orthotic inserts can help make shoes more comfortable. 

If you have any foot problems, or questions about maintaining the health of your feet, please consult with a chiropodist. 

How Aging Affects the Feet

With age, both men and women experience changes in their feet. Women, particularly those over 50, tend to face a higher risk of foot issues. Factors such as hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy and decreased bone density in older age contribute to this vulnerability. Additionally, the habit of wearing high heels can cause problems, increasing pressure on the front of the feet. Experts note that aging leads to a decrease in the elasticity of soft tissues, resulting in conditions like collapsed arches and Achilles tendonitis. Common foot ailments among seniors include stress fractures, plantar fasciitis, bunions, flat feet, and osteoarthritis. In some cases, simple measures like wearing supportive shoes and engaging in low-impact exercises can alleviate symptoms. But persistent foot pain warrants professional attention. Seeking help from a chiropodist ensures an accurate diagnosis and suggested treatment options that help to prevent further complications. Prevention tips include regular foot measurements before buying shoes, suitable footwear choices, and gentle stretching exercises. If you are experiencing foot pain, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a chiropodist for an exam.

Foot problems can become increasingly common as we age, making everyday foot care especially important. To learn more about maintaining proper foot health, please consult with one of the specialists from Thornhill Foot Clinic. Our chiropodists will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment. 

Common Foot Problems

Certain foot problems may be more likely to affect older adults. 

Some examples of foot conditions that can be common in older adults include: 

  • Dry, cracked skin

  • Calluses and corns

  • Blisters

  • Ingrown toenails

  • Deformities such as bunions or hammertoes

  • Fungal infections

  • Plantar warts

Systemic conditions, such as diabetes or arthritis, are also more likely to affect older people and manifest symptoms in the feet and ankles. 

Daily Foot Care Tips

Having a daily foot care routine can help detect problems early on and prevent future issues. 

Things that you can do at home to care for your feet include: 

  • Washing the feet daily with warm water, drying them thoroughly, and then applying a moisturizer 

  • Trimming the toenails straight across and not too short to prevent ingrown toenails

  • Performing daily foot exercises to improve foot strength and mobility

  • Wearing shoes when walking to avoid injury

  • Inspecting the feet daily for any cuts, scrapes, sores, or other abnormalities and seeking prompt treatment if any problems are discovered 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

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Athlete's Foot

Athlete’s foot, also known as tinea pedis, is a fungal infection of the skin of the feet. The fungus that causes athlete’s foot lives and thrives in warm, moist environments such as public swimming pools, locker rooms, and showers. This fungus can infect the feet through a cut or crack in the skin. Athlete’s foot is also highly contagious, and the fungus can spread from person to person through sharing personal items such as shoes, socks, or towels.

The symptoms of athlete’s foot include itching, stinging, or burning between your toes or on the soles of your feet, itchy foot blisters, and dry, cracked, or peeling skin on the feet. The infection can also spread to your toenails, leading to discoloration, thickening, and crumbling. 

Through a physical examination, athlete’s foot can be diagnosed by your chiropodist based on its symptoms. Sometimes, a skin test may be ordered to confirm the diagnosis. Athlete’s foot can be treated with both oral and topical over-the-counter or prescription medications. You can prevent a fungal infection by maintaining good foot hygiene, wearing shoes when walking in public areas, avoiding sharing personal items with others, and keeping your feet clean and dry. 


Visiting a Chiropodist for Athlete’s Foot

Athlete's foot, medically known as tinea pedis or ringworm of the foot, is a fungal infection that commonly affects the skin between the toes and on the soles of the feet. It thrives in warm, and moist environments such as sweaty shoes and locker rooms. Symptoms include itching, burning, redness, flaking, and cracking of the skin. In severe cases, blisters or ulcers may develop. Effective treatment often consists of prescribed antifungal creams or oral medication. Additionally, It is essential to keep the feet clean and dry, wear breathable socks and shoes, and avoid walking barefoot in public areas to prevent spreading the infection. If you have athlete’s foot and symptoms persist or if there are signs of a secondary bacterial infection, it is advisable to consult a chiropodist for proper diagnosis and management.

Athlete’s foot can be uncomfortable and unsightly. To learn more about preventing and treating this condition, please consult with one of the specialists from Thornhill Foot Clinic. Our chiropodists will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment. 

What Is Athlete’s Foot? 

Athlete’s foot refers to an infection of the skin on the feet that is caused by a fungus. This fungus is contagious and thrives in warm and moist environments. It is often spread in common areas such as public pools, locker rooms, and showers. It can also spread when sharing personal items, like shoes or towels, with an infected person. 


The symptoms of athlete’s foot may include: 

  • Itching, stinging, or burning of the skin on the feet

  • Cracking or peeling skin, especially between the toes and on the soles of the feet

  • Scaly, red rash on the foot

  • Blisters 

  • Foul odor


Treatment for athlete’s foot typically involves using over-the-counter topical antifungal medications on the feet. When over-the-counter options are ineffective, you may need to take prescription oral medications or topical antifungal drugs, or a combination of both. 


Preventing athlete’s foot places an emphasis on good foot hygiene practices. 

You can prevent athlete’s foot by:

  • Washing and drying your feet thoroughly every day

  • Wearing shoes when walking in public areas

  • Not sharing personal items, like shoes or socks, with others

  • Wearing shoes and socks made out of breathable materials

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

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Biomechanics of the Feet

Foot biomechanics is an area of foot care that examines the structure, function, and motion of the feet. When these factors are carefully examined, they can provide more information about potential causes of foot and ankle pain and help your chiropodist find the best treatments for the unique needs of your feet. 

The study of biomechanics dates back to ancient times but became more well known in modern history when findings claimed that changing or controlling the forces between the ankle and foot can lead to positive clinical outcomes when treating various foot and ankle conditions. 

The advent of modern technology, such as computer analysis, has continued to expand on these discoveries and helps medical professionals make informed decisions about patient care. Understanding the biomechanics of the feet can help in the diagnosis of various conditions and prescribing targeted treatments that reduce or eliminate pain. For example, a chiropodist can analyze your gait, or walking pattern, and determine if there are any abnormalities that can be treated with custom orthotics or footwear modifications.

Insights Regarding Foot Anatomy

The human foot is a marvel of biological engineering, comprising a complex arrangement of bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. At its core are 26 bones, including the talus, calcaneus, and five metatarsals, forming the arches that provide structure and support. These bones are held together by a network of ligaments, which provide stability while allowing for flexibility and movement. Surrounding the bones are layers of muscles and tendons, facilitating intricate movements, such as flexion, extension, and rotation. The plantar fascia, a thick band of connective tissue, spans the length of the sole, providing support to the arch and helping to absorb shock during weight-bearing activities. Meanwhile, a dense network of blood vessels and nerves supplies the foot, ensuring proper circulation and sensation. If you have foot pain, it is strongly suggested that you schedule an appointment with a chiropodist who can diagnose it and recommend the appropriate treatment options.

The biomechanics of your feet play an important role in your foot health. To learn more, please consult with one of the specialists from Thornhill Foot Clinic. Our chiropodists can help you maintain the health of your lower limbs and your mobility. 

Foot biomechanics refers to the study of the structure, function, and motion of the feet. The feet and ankles are a complex system consisting of many bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons that work together to move your feet. Understanding the unique biomechanics of your own feet can help you and your chiropodist make informed decisions about your foot health care. This includes decisions about the best preventive measures to avoid foot pain, the best treatment options for various foot problems, and finding the best shoes for your feet. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

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High Heels and the Feet

Did you know that people who wear high heels may be more likely to need the care of a chiropodist? This is because high heels are notoriously bad for foot health. While they may be stylish, they can also be dangerous and are often to blame for a variety of foot and ankle problems. 

High heels force your feet into an unnatural, downward extended position. This puts excess pressure and strain on the toes and balls of the feet, increasing the risk of foot pain and toe deformities like hammertoes and bunions, as well as corns, calluses, and blisters. The tendon and ligaments that support the arch of the foot can tighten, causing plantar fasciitis and heel pain. The unnatural foot position also requires you to change your posture and gait in order to balance in these shoes. Your steps tend to become shorter and less efficient, increasing the risk of foot and ankle injuries. Your posture becomes more rigid and strains your muscles, leading to hip and back pain. 

The ankle joint is also damaged by high heel wear. When wearing these shoes, the ankle has a limited range of motion and power, causing the calf muscles to shorten. The Achilles tendon may also contract, becoming inflamed and leading to a condition called Achilles tendonitis. High heels also increase the risk of twisting your ankle and sustaining an ankle sprain. 

If you are dealing with foot and ankle pain related to wearing high heels, a chiropodist can help diagnose the problem and find the right treatment for you.

High Heels Linked to Foot and Ankle Pain

In a recent study of foot pain, a link was found between certain types of shoes, including high heels, pumps, and sandals, and foot pain among women. The research highlights the significance of footwear choices beyond mere fashion, emphasizing the importance of support and structure in shoes to decrease or eliminate foot pain. Foot and toe pain ranks among the top reasons for visits to a chiropodist. This is especially true among older individuals and women far more often than men. High-heeled shoes sometimes lack the necessary shock absorption features found in sneakers and athletic footwear. Over some time, this can lead to increased stress on the heel and ankle with each step. It's imperative for individuals, especially young women, to make informed decisions about their footwear to protect their foot health in the long term. A chiropodist can offer tailored solutions to alleviate foot pain and improve overall foot health. For help with foot pain that may have developed from certain shoes, it is suggested that you make an appointment with a chiropodist.

High heels have been in style for centuries, but unfortunately, they have also been damaging feet for centuries. If you would like to learn more about how high heels can hurt your feet, please consult with one of the specialists from Thornhill Foot Clinic. Our chiropodists can help you maintain the health of your lower limbs and your mobility. 

High heels can cause a variety of problems, including:

  • Foot and ankle pain

  • Foot and ankle injuries

  • Toe pain and deformities 

  • Gait abnormalities

  • Achilles tendonitis 

  • Changes in posture

  • Difficulty balancing

  • Leg, hip, and back pain

If you are reluctant to abandon your high heels, you can still wear them, but should take measures to minimize damage to your feet: 

  • Wear shoes with heels no higher than 2 inches

  • Choose properly fitted shoes

  • Choose shoes with a wide toe box

  • Wear high heels infrequently 

  • When wearing high heels, take them off periodically to stretch and relax your feet 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about High Heels and the Feet

Are Bunions Affecting Your Everyday Life?

Have you noticed a bony protrusion on the side of your big toe? If so, you may have developed the foot condition known as a bunion. Don't let bunions interfere with your daily activities.


Spring is the season for running, baseball, tennis, and more. After a long winter of staying inside and perhaps staying sedentary, many people begin to increase their physical activity. Unfortunately, a sudden or rapid increase in physical activity can increase the risk of incurring a foot or ankle injury. Common springtime injuries include plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, strains, sprains, and fractures. 

Fortunately, there are many steps that you can take to avoid injuries. When beginning any new exercise routine, it’s important to take things slow. Do not rapidly increase the intensity or duration of your training. Instead, increase one factor at a time, gradually. For example, if you’re a runner, increase the distance that you run gradually over the course of several weeks or months. Take breaks in between workouts to allow yourself time to heal properly. It’’s equally as important to be wearing the right shoes. Choose shoes that are comfortable, fit well, and offer support. 

If you do get injured or begin to notice subtle signs of injury, such as pain during physical activity, seek the care of a chiropodist. While you wait for your appointment, you can also take measures to reduce pain at home by resting the injured foot, applying ice, and compressing and elevating it. A chiropodist will be able to diagnose the injury and find the right treatment for you.

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