
The Ideal Shoes for Pickleball

While dedicated pickleball shoes may not be abundant on the market yet, understanding the differences between pickleball shoes and tennis shoes is crucial for optimizing your game performance. Comfort, traction, and support are key attributes that pickleball shoes should possess, enabling swift court movement, quick direction changes, and preventing slips or injuries. Although tennis shoes can suffice if their soles provide adequate grip, pickleball shoes offer distinct advantages. They are lighter, possess a lower center of gravity, and provide enhanced support and grip. This is helpful in allowing players to maintain balance, maneuver swiftly, and execute abrupt stops and starts effectively. Conversely, tennis shoes distribute weight more evenly, tend to be heavier, and offer greater ankle support, but are less suitable for quick directional changes. Certain pickleball courts may also enforce specific footwear to protect the court and ensure player safety. If you are a pickleball enthusiast or aspiring player, it is suggested that you consult with a chiropodist who can help you choose the best footwear tailored to the demands of the sport.

Injuries to the foot and ankle are very common among athletes. If you have experienced an injury, please consult with one of the specialists from Thornhill Foot Clinic. Our chiropodists will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment. 

Common Injuries Among Athletes: 

  • Achilles tendon injuries

  • Ankle strains or sprains

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Fractures

  • Turf toe 

  • Joint dislocations

  • Sever’s disease

  • Morton’s neuroma


Symptoms will depend on the cause and severity of the injury. Common symptoms for a foot or ankle injury include pain, swelling, tenderness, bruising, a reduced range of motion, and difficulty bearing weight or walking on the affected foot or ankle. 


Sports injuries are typically diagnosed after carefully examining the affected foot or ankle. This includes moving the injured area to test its range of motion. Medical history will need to be provided, as well as detailed information about how the injury occurred. Imaging studies, such as X-rays or MRIs, may be used to confirm or rule out certain diagnoses. 


Just like symptoms, treatment will depend on the type of injury and its severity. Initial treatment for many sports injuries is aimed at controlling inflammation and promoting the healing response. The acronym R.I.C.E is a helpful guide to implement for most acute injuries. This method involves resting, icing, compressing, and elevating the affected foot or ankle. In addition, anti-inflammatory medications may be administered and orthotic devices may be prescribed. For more severe injuries, surgery may be required. Lastly, rehabilitation or physical therapy may be needed to gain full functionality in the afflicted area.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Sports Related Foot and Ankle Injuries

Wearing Flip-Flops May Cause Cracked Heels

Cracked heels are a foot condition that can be common in the summer months. It can be unsightly and painful, and relief is often sought. Many people enjoy wearing flip-flops or backless shoes that can leave the skin on the heels exposed to the elements. Cracks that deepen in the skin are known as fissures, and if not treated promptly, may bleed and become infected. In addition to the above reasons why cracked heels can develop, there may also be medical reasons. These can include various forms of dermatitis, psoriasis, diabetes, or a thyroid disorder. People who are overweight may be prone to incurring cracked heels, typically as a result of the added weight the feet must endure. Effective prevention methods can consist of washing and drying the feet thoroughly, followed by applying a good moisturizer. It is also beneficial to wear shoes that have a back, which can provide adequate protection for the heels. If you have cracked heels, it is suggested that you confer with a chiropodist who can guide you toward the correct treatment options.

Cracked heels, also known as heel fissures, can cause pain and discomfort. If your cracked heels are bothering you, please consult with one of the specialists from Thornhill Foot Clinic. Our chiropodists will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment. 

Dry, thickened skin around the rim of the heel is typically the first sign of cracked heels. While this condition is common and usually just a nuisance, some cases can be more severe. If left untreated and as more pressure is placed on the heel, the cracks become deeper and eventually walking and standing can be painful. These deep cracks or fissures can bleed and also become infected. Those with diabetes need to be especially careful as fissures could lead to diabetic foot ulcers. 


Cracked heels can be the result of several different factors, including: 

  • Dry skin

  • Taking long, hot showers or using harsh soaps

  • Standing for long periods of time

  • Walking barefoot

  • Walking in shoes with an open back, such as sandals or flip flops

  • Wearing shoes that do not fit properly

  • Living in a cold or dry climate 

  • Certain skin conditions, such as eczema or psoriasis


There are many at-home treatment remedies for cracked heels. Applying moisturizers to the heel can help hydrate the skin. Soaking your feet in warm water and exfoliating them with a loofah or pumice stone can help to buff away dead skin cells. If you are afflicted with cracked heels, it is recommended that you see a chiropodist for treatment. 


You can prevent cracked heels by:

  • Avoiding standing in one position for prolonged periods of time

  • Wearing well-fitted shoes with a closed back

  • Washing your feet with gentle soaps and lukewarm water

  • Moisturizing the feet daily

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Curing Cracked Heels

Why Live with Pain and Numbness in Your Feet?

Suffering from this type of pain? You may have the foot condition known as Morton's neuroma. Morton's neuroma may develop as a result of ill-fitting footwear and existing foot deformities. We can help.

Dangers of Wearing Flip Flops

As convenient and cooling as flip flops are, they can also put the health of your feet in danger. Because flip flops provide little arch support and minimal protection, wearing them can increase the chances of a sprained ankle, plantar fasciitis, and heel spurs. The thin soles on many pairs of flip flops also allow a greater likelihood of nails, glass, and other sharp objects poking through and into the foot. In some cases, a piece of the flip flop itself becomes embedded in the wound, and removing it may call for surgery. Because of their structure, flip flops necessarily result in the curling of the toes just to keep the shoes on. This may end up causing a permanent deformity of the toes, called a hammertoe. In this deformity, the middle joint of the toe sticks up. Then when regular shoes are worn, the hammertoe may begin to rub against the upper part of a shoe and cause pain. Because flip flops offer little to no arch support, the wearer steps flat, putting increased pressure on the ball of the foot. This can eventually cause inflammation and pain. If you have foot pain from regular or continued wearing of flip flops, it is suggested that you make an appointment with a chiropodist who can determine the best course of treatment.  

Flip-flops, though they may seem harmless, are bad for your foot health. If you would like to learn more about the many problems that can be caused by frequent flip-flop wear, please consult with one of the specialists from Thornhill Foot Clinic. Our chiropodists can help you maintain the health of your lower limbs and your mobility. 

Flip-flops are the quintessential summer shoe, seemingly perfect for the beach or pool. Unfortunately, these flimsy shoes are not a good choice when it comes to keeping your feet healthy. 

Frequently wearing flip-flops is associated with: 

  • Hammertoes

  • Bunions

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Heel spurs 

  • Cracked heels

  • Plantar warts

  • Athlete’s foot

  • Foot pain

  • Foot and ankle injuries

  • Gait changes

  • Leg, hip, and back pain

The best way to avoid these issues is to swap your flip-flops for more protective and supportive shoes. If you must wear flip-flops, wear them only for short periods of time. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Flip-Flops and Feet

Heel Spur Treatment

A heel spur is a calcium deposit that comes from excessive strain, friction, or pressure on the heel bone and can cause bony growths to develop under the heel or the sole of the foot. There are several things that can lead to these types of spurs including exercising, wearing shoes that do not fit well or wearing high heels, having flat feet or high arches, being overweight, and having arthritis. Having plantar fasciitis or another foot condition can also create heel spurs. Some heel spurs cause pain while others do not. If one has a heel spur, reducing friction on the heel is the first thing to tend to. Other conservative methods to resolve pain from a heel spur, include wearing shoe inserts, stretching exercises, and cortisone injections. These non-surgical treatments will help in most cases. If you suffer from heel pain and suspect you have a heel spur, it is suggested that you make an appointment with a chiropodist for recommended treatment.

Heel spurs are bony outgrowths from calcium deposits. They occur at the back of the heel bone or underneath the heel bone and usually form in response to chronic irritation of the Achilles tendon or plantar fascia. They are often asymptomatic, but if you are suffering from heel pain, please consult with one of the specialists from Thornhill Foot Clinic. Our chiropodists can help you maintain the health of your lower limbs and your mobility. 

Symptoms of Heel Spurs

  • Tenderness

  • Heel pain

  • Pain when walking

  • No symptoms


Since heel spurs are often asymptomatic, they are usually only diagnosed when they are found on the heels incidentally during an X-ray taken for another reason. Nevertheless, if you have heel pain, and particularly if you have plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendonitis, it may be worth it to see if you have heel spurs too. 


Unless they are causing symptoms, heel spurs typically don’t require any treatment. When they are symptomatic, treatments are typically conservative. They may include resting and icing the affected foot, taking anti-inflammatory medications, and wearing orthotics or supportive footwear, especially while exercising. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Heel Spurs

Foot Care Tips for Seniors

Healthy feet provide a good foundation for the entire body. For seniors, it is particularly important to maintain the health of the feet because it will help with difficulties related to balance, mobility, and independence. The goal is for seniors to have comfortable and healthy feet. Over the course of one’s life, the feet flatten and become wider. The natural fat padding wears down, and the bones and joints are impacted more by wear and tear. Simple things like a foot blister, an ankle sprain, or an ingrown toenail can lead to a host of health-related conditions which can hamper the quality of life. Elderly foot care can be maintained by washing, drying, and moisturizing the feet daily, and trimming toenails as needed. This can be done properly by cutting them straight across which may help to prevent ingrown toenails. Additionally, examining the feet often to monitor potential problems is helpful. If you are a senior, it is suggested that you incorporate a chiropodist among your healthcare providers to make sure your feet remain in as good shape as possible through your elderly years.

Foot problems can become increasingly common as we age, making everyday foot care especially important. To learn more about maintaining proper foot health, please consult with one of the specialists from Thornhill Foot Clinic. Our chiropodists will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment. 

Common Foot Problems

Certain foot problems may be more likely to affect older adults. 

Some examples of foot conditions that can be common in older adults include: 

  • Dry, cracked skin

  • Calluses and corns

  • Blisters

  • Ingrown toenails

  • Deformities such as bunions or hammertoes

  • Fungal infections

  • Plantar warts

Systemic conditions, such as diabetes or arthritis, are also more likely to affect older people and manifest symptoms in the feet and ankles. 

Daily Foot Care Tips

Having a daily foot care routine can help detect problems early on and prevent future issues. 

Things that you can do at home to care for your feet include: 

  • Washing the feet daily with warm water, drying them thoroughly, and then applying a moisturizer 

  • Trimming the toenails straight across and not too short to prevent ingrown toenails

  • Performing daily foot exercises to improve foot strength and mobility

  • Wearing shoes when walking to avoid injury

  • Inspecting the feet daily for any cuts, scrapes, sores, or other abnormalities and seeking prompt treatment if any problems are discovered 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Elderly Foot Care

Bug Bites on the Feet

Insects can crawl on our clothes and get on our skin without us even knowing it. The feet are closest to the ground, and can be an easy target. If you get an insect bite on your feet, there is often some swelling, and it can become infected. It is particularly important to get medical attention if you are allergic to the insect that has bitten you.  These signs can include a rash, respiratory problems, or other cold-like symptoms. Putting a cool compress on the bite can help reduce swelling. Taking an antihistamine can help relieve itching. Additionally, hydrating can aid in flushing poisons from the body. If you have been bitten by an insect on the foot, or if an allergic reaction develops, it is strongly suggested that you seek the counsel of a chiropodist that can administer appropriate treatment.

Foot pain is a common problem treated by chiropodists. If you have foot pain, please consult with one of the specialists from Thornhill Foot Clinic. Our chiropodists can help you maintain the health of your lower limbs and your mobility. 

When you are experiencing foot pain, it’s important to note the type of pain and its location, as this can help determine a diagnosis. 

Pain in the top of the foot may be caused by:

  • Stress fractures

  • Sinus tarsi syndrome

  • Extensor tendonitis

  • Tibialis anterior tendonitis

  • Gout

  • Athlete’s foot

  • Ganglion cysts

Pain in the bottom of the foot may be caused by:

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Foot cramps

  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome

  • Plantar fibromatosis

  • Posterior tibial tendonitis

  • Stress fractures

  • Flat feet

Pain on the side of the foot may be caused by:

  • Ankle sprain

  • Cuboid syndrome

  • Peroneal tendonitis

  • Stress fractures

  • Bunions

  • Corns or calluses

  • Posterior tibial tendonitis

Heel pain may be caused by:

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Achilles tendonitis

  • Bone spurs

  • Heel fractures

  • Retrocalcaneal bursitis

  • Sever’s disease 

Pain in the toes may be caused by:

  • Gout

  • Hammertoe

  • Turf toe 

  • Bunions

  • Ingrown toenails

  • Blisters 

  • Arthritis

These and many more conditions can be treated by a chiropodist. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Foot Pain

Are You Suffering From Ingrown Toenails?

If left untreated, an ingrown toenail can lead to more serious concerns, such as an infection. Knowing proper nail care can help in the prevention of an ingrown toenail. Give us a call, and get treated!

Did You Break Your Toe?

A broken toe can be painful. The majority of people will experience immediate swelling, bruising, and discomfort after they have broken their toe. Conversely, some people are unaware they have broken their toe and it is often addressed as the pain level increases. A common reason to endure a broken toe may be stubbing it into a piece of furniture or dropping a heavy object on it. If the fracture is severe, a bone may protrude and will need to be realigned into its normal position. For mild breaks, many people find the buddy-taping method to be successful. This is done by taping the affected toe to the toe next to it to provide the stability that is needed as the healing process occurs. It is beneficial to keep weight off of the foot and this can be done by using crutches or wearing a protective boot. If you have broken your toe, it is suggested that you confer with a chiropodist who can effectively diagnose and treat a broken toe.

A broken toe typically occurs following either a sudden, traumatic injury, like dropping a heavy piece of furniture on the toe. The impact causes the bone to fracture and produces a variety of painful symptoms. If you suspect that you’ve broken your toe, please consult with one of the specialists from Thornhill Foot Clinic. Our chiropodists can help you maintain the health of your lower limbs and your mobility. 


  • Throbbing pain

  • Swelling

  • Bruising

  • Cracking sound at the time of injury

  • Difficulty bearing weight on the toe

  • Difficulty walking

  • Toe resting at an unnatural angle


Your chiropodist can diagnose a broken toe through physical examination and imaging studies, such as X-rays. 


The main goals of treatment are to ensure that the bone heals properly, as a toe fracture that doesn’t heal properly can lead to osteoarthritis. You will typically need to rest the affected toe. You may be prescribed a splint to immobilize the toe while it heals. Icing the affected toe and taking over-the-counter medications can help reduce pain. In cases of severe fractures, surgery may be necessary to reset the broken bones and make sure that they heal correctly.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Broken Toe

Let’s Talk Heel Fissures

Skin fissures are cracks in the skin that are caused by dry and thickened skin. These can also come from underlying conditions and lifestyle factors. A common place to get such fissures is on the heels of the feet. The skin needs nutrients and food, such as proteins, vitamins, and fatty acids to remain healthy and maintain moisture. Skin conditions that result in inflammation, itching, and dryness, like eczema and psoriasis can lead to heel fissures. A fungal infection, like athlete’s foot, can have the same result. Those with diabetes frequently have neuropathy which inhibits sweating, thus causing dryness and can cause fissures. Some lifestyle factors that can contribute to heel fissures include wearing open-backed shoes, using harsh soaps on the feet, and not drinking enough water. The fissures can be shallow or deep, bleed, and be painful. Irritants and bacteria can enter the cuts in the skin and become infected. If not treated, fissures can turn into ulcers. It is important to check the feet regularly and keep them clean, dry, and moisturized. Wearing insoles or heel pads in shoes can help with the discomfort of this condition. If you have heel fissures, it is highly suggested that you visit a chiropodist for treatment.

Dry, cracked heels are more than a cosmetic inconvenience. For many people, they are uncomfortable, deep, painful, and may even bleed. If you suffer from cracked heels, please consult with one of the specialists from Thornhill Foot Clinic. Our chiropodists can help you maintain the health of your lower limbs and your mobility. 


  • Prolonged standing

  • Wearing open-back shoes

  • Wearing shoes that don’t cushion the heels

  • Living in a cold or dry climate

  • Taking long, hot showers

  • Not moisturizing the heels

  • Eczema

  • Psoriasis

  • Palmoplantar keratoderma

  • Juvenile plantar dermatosis


  • Soaking the feet

  • Exfoliating with a pumice stone

  • Moisturizing the heels

  • Wearing closed-back shoes that cushion heels

  • Avoiding prolonged standing 

  • Taking warm, rather than hot, showers

  • Treating underlying skin conditions 

While milder cases of cracked heels can be treated at home, some patients present with deep, painful, bleeding heel fissures that are at risk of becoming infected and may require medical care. Additionally, patients with diabetes or any other conditions that affect the immune system should be monitored by a chiropodist. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Cracked Heels

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